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PSA Pillai's Criminal Law: A Comprehensive Guide to the Indian Penal Code

PSA Pillai's Criminal Law is a well-known and respected book that provides a comprehensive and updated analysis of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which is the main source of criminal law in India. The book covers all the major aspects of criminal law, such as the nature and definition of crime, general principles of criminal liability, specific offences, defences, punishments, and procedural aspects. The book also incorporates the latest judicial decisions, legislative amendments, and scholarly opinions on various topics of criminal law.

The book is written by K I Vibhute, a former professor of law and an eminent jurist, who has revised and updated the original work of PSA Pillai, a former judge and a renowned author. The book is divided into 24 chapters, each dealing with a specific topic of criminal law. The chapters are arranged in a logical and systematic manner, following the structure of the IPC. The book also provides useful appendices, such as the text of the IPC, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Indian Evidence Act, and other relevant statutes.

PSA Pillai's Criminal Law is a must-read for students, teachers, lawyers, judges, and anyone interested in learning about the criminal law of India. The book is written in a clear and lucid style, with ample illustrations and examples to explain the concepts and principles of criminal law. The book is also enriched with footnotes, references, and citations to support the arguments and opinions expressed by the author. The book is available in both print and digital formats from Lexis Nexis.

The Indian Penal Code is one of the oldest and most influential criminal codes in the world. It was enacted by the British colonial government in 1860, based on the recommendations of the first law commission of India, headed by Thomas Babington Macaulay. The code was inspired by various sources, such as the English common law, the French civil law, and the ancient Hindu and Muslim law. The code aimed to provide a uniform and rational system of criminal law for India, which was then under British rule.

The Indian Penal Code consists of 511 sections, divided into 23 chapters. The code defines various offences and prescribes their respective punishments. The code also lays down some general principles of criminal liability, such as mens rea, actus reus, joint and constructive liability, abetment, conspiracy, exceptions, defenses, etc. The code covers a wide range of offences, such as offences against the state, public tranquility, public servants, religion, human body, property, documents, marriage, etc. The code also provides for the capital punishment for certain offences, such as murder, treason, waging war against India, etc.

The Indian Penal Code is applicable to all citizens of India and to all persons on Indian territory. The code also extends to Indian citizens and their property outside India, subject to certain exceptions. The code is enforced by the police and the courts in India. The code is supplemented by other criminal laws, such as the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, which regulates the procedure for investigation, trial, appeal and execution of criminal cases; and the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, which governs the rules of evidence in criminal matters.
